Source code for asyncssh.config

# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 by Ron Frederick <> and others.
# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
# the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 which accompanies this
# distribution and is available at:
# This program may also be made available under the following secondary
# licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the
# Eclipse Public License v2.0 are satisfied:
#    GNU General Public License, Version 2.0, or any later versions of
#    that license
# SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later
# Contributors:
#     Ron Frederick - initial implementation, API, and documentation

"""Parser for OpenSSH config files"""

import os
import re
import shlex
import socket
import subprocess

from hashlib import sha1
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from subprocess import DEVNULL
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, NoReturn, Optional, Sequence
from typing import Set, Tuple, Union, cast

from .constants import DEFAULT_PORT
from .logging import logger
from .misc import DefTuple, FilePath, ip_address
from .pattern import HostPatternList, WildcardPatternList

ConfigPaths = Union[None, FilePath, Sequence[FilePath]]

def _exec(cmd: str) -> bool:
    """Execute a command and return if exit status is 0"""

    return, check=False, shell=True, stdin=DEVNULL,
                          stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=DEVNULL).returncode == 0

[docs] class ConfigParseError(ValueError): """Configuration parsing exception"""
class SSHConfig: """Settings from an OpenSSH config file""" _conditionals = {'match'} _no_split: Set[str] = set() _percent_expand = {'AuthorizedKeysFile'} _handlers: Dict[str, Tuple[str, Callable]] = {} def __init__(self, last_config: Optional['SSHConfig'], reload: bool): if last_config: self._last_options = last_config.get_options(reload) else: self._last_options = {} self._default_path = Path('~', '.ssh').expanduser() self._path = Path() self._line_no = 0 self._matching = True self._options = self._last_options.copy() self._tokens: Dict[str, str] = {} self.loaded = False def _error(self, reason: str, *args: object) -> NoReturn: """Raise a configuration parsing error""" raise ConfigParseError('%s line %s: %s' % (self._path, self._line_no, reason % args)) def _match_val(self, match: str) -> object: """Return the value to match against in a match condition""" raise NotImplementedError def _set_tokens(self) -> None: """Set the tokens available for percent expansion""" raise NotImplementedError def _expand_val(self, value: str) -> str: """Perform percent token expansion on a string""" last_idx = 0 result: List[str] = [] for match in re.finditer(r'%', value): idx = match.start() if idx < last_idx: continue try: token = value[idx+1] result.extend([value[last_idx:idx], self._tokens[token]]) last_idx = idx + 2 except IndexError: raise ConfigParseError('Invalid token substitution') from None except KeyError: if token == 'd': raise ConfigParseError('Home directory is ' 'not available') from None elif token == 'i': raise ConfigParseError('User id not available') from None else: raise ConfigParseError('Invalid token substitution: %s' % value[idx+1]) from None result.append(value[last_idx:]) return ''.join(result) def _include(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Read config from a list of other config files""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument old_path = self._path for pattern in args: path = Path(pattern).expanduser() if path.anchor: pattern = str(Path(*[1:])) path = Path(path.anchor) else: path = self._default_path paths = list(path.glob(pattern)) if not paths: logger.debug1('Config pattern "%s" matched no files', pattern) for path in paths: self.parse(path) self._path = old_path args.clear() def _match(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Begin a conditional block""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument while args: match = args.pop(0).lower() if match == 'all': self._matching = True continue match_val = self._match_val(match) if match != 'exec' and match_val is None: self._error('Invalid match condition') try: if match == 'exec': self._matching = _exec(args.pop(0)) elif match in ('address', 'localaddress'): host_pat = HostPatternList(args.pop(0)) ip = ip_address(cast(str, match_val)) \ if match_val else None self._matching = host_pat.matches(None, match_val, ip) else: wild_pat = WildcardPatternList(args.pop(0)) self._matching = wild_pat.matches(match_val) except IndexError: self._error('Missing %s match pattern', match) if not self._matching: args.clear() break def _set_bool(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set a boolean config option""" value_str = args.pop(0).lower() if value_str in ('yes', 'true'): value = True elif value_str in ('no', 'false'): value = False else: self._error('Invalid %s boolean value: %s', option, value_str) if option not in self._options: self._options[option] = value def _set_int(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set an integer config option""" value_str = args.pop(0) try: value = int(value_str) except ValueError: self._error('Invalid %s integer value: %s', option, value_str) if option not in self._options: self._options[option] = value def _set_string(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set a string config option""" value_str = args.pop(0) if value_str.lower() == 'none': value = None else: value = value_str if option not in self._options: self._options[option] = value def _append_string(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Append a string config option to a list""" value_str = args.pop(0) if value_str.lower() != 'none': if option in self._options: cast(List[str], self._options[option]).append(value_str) else: self._options[option] = [value_str] else: if option not in self._options: self._options[option] = [] def _set_string_list(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set whitespace-separated string config options as a list""" if option not in self._options: if len(args) == 1 and args[0].lower() == 'none': self._options[option] = [] else: self._options[option] = args[:] args.clear() def _append_string_list(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Append whitespace-separated string config options to a list""" if option in self._options: cast(List[str], self._options[option]).extend(args) else: self._options[option] = args[:] args.clear() def _set_address_family(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set an address family config option""" value_str = args.pop(0).lower() if value_str == 'any': value = socket.AF_UNSPEC elif value_str == 'inet': value = socket.AF_INET elif value_str == 'inet6': value = socket.AF_INET6 else: self._error('Invalid %s value: %s', option, value_str) if option not in self._options: self._options[option] = value def _set_rekey_limits(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set rekey limits config option""" byte_limit: Union[str, Tuple[()]] = args.pop(0).lower() if byte_limit == 'default': byte_limit = () if args: time_limit: Optional[Union[str, Tuple[()]]] = args.pop(0).lower() if time_limit == 'none': time_limit = None else: time_limit = () if option not in self._options: self._options[option] = byte_limit, time_limit def parse(self, path: Path) -> None: """Parse an OpenSSH config file and return matching declarations""" self._path = path self._line_no = 0 self._matching = True self._tokens = {'%': '%'} logger.debug1('Reading config from "%s"', path) with open(path) as file: for line in file: self._line_no += 1 line = line.strip() if not line or line[0] == '#': continue try: split_args = shlex.split(line) except ValueError as exc: self._error(str(exc)) args = [] for arg in split_args: if arg.startswith('='): if len(arg) > 1: args.append(arg[1:]) elif arg.endswith('='): args.append(arg[:-1]) elif '=' in arg: arg, val = arg.split('=', 1) args.append(arg) args.append(val) else: args.append(arg) option = args.pop(0) loption = option.lower() if loption in self._no_split: args = [line.lstrip()[len(loption):].strip()] if not self._matching and loption not in self._conditionals: continue try: option, handler = self._handlers[loption] except KeyError: continue if not args: self._error('Missing %s value', option) handler(self, option, args) if args: self._error('Extra data at end: %s', ' '.join(args)) self._set_tokens() for option in self._percent_expand: try: value = self._options[option] except KeyError: pass else: if isinstance(value, list): value = [self._expand_val(item) for item in value] elif isinstance(value, str): value = self._expand_val(value) self._options[option] = value def get_options(self, reload: bool) -> Dict[str, object]: """Return options to base a new config object on""" return self._last_options.copy() if reload else self._options.copy() @classmethod def load(cls, last_config: Optional['SSHConfig'], config_paths: ConfigPaths, reload: bool, *args: object) -> 'SSHConfig': """Load a list of OpenSSH config files into a config object""" config = cls(last_config, reload, *args) if config_paths: if isinstance(config_paths, (str, PurePath)): paths: Sequence[FilePath] = [config_paths] else: paths = config_paths for path in paths: config.parse(Path(path)) config.loaded = True return config def get(self, option: str, default: object = None) -> object: """Get the value of a config option""" return self._options.get(option, default) def get_compression_algs(self) -> DefTuple[str]: """Return the compression algorithms to use""" compression = self.get('Compression') if compression is None: return () elif compression: return ',zlib,none' else: return 'none,,zlib' class SSHClientConfig(SSHConfig): """Settings from an OpenSSH client config file""" _conditionals = {'host', 'match'} _no_split = {'remotecommand'} _percent_expand = {'CertificateFile', 'IdentityAgent', 'IdentityFile', 'ProxyCommand', 'RemoteCommand'} def __init__(self, last_config: 'SSHConfig', reload: bool, local_user: str, user: str, host: str, port: int) -> None: super().__init__(last_config, reload) self._local_user = local_user self._orig_host = host if user != (): self._options['User'] = user if port != (): self._options['Port'] = port def _match_val(self, match: str) -> object: """Return the value to match against in a match condition""" if match == 'host': return self._options.get('Hostname', self._orig_host) elif match == 'originalhost': return self._orig_host elif match == 'localuser': return self._local_user elif match == 'user': return self._options.get('User', self._local_user) else: return None def _match_host(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Begin a conditional block matching on host""" # pylint: disable=unused-argument pattern = ','.join(args) self._matching = WildcardPatternList(pattern).matches(self._orig_host) args.clear() def _set_hostname(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set hostname config option""" value = args.pop(0) if option not in self._options: self._tokens['h'] = \ cast(str, self._options.get(option, self._orig_host)) self._options[option] = self._expand_val(value) def _set_request_tty(self, option: str, args: List[str]) -> None: """Set a pseudo-terminal request config option""" value_str = args.pop(0).lower() if value_str in ('yes', 'true'): value: Union[bool, str] = True elif value_str in ('no', 'false'): value = False elif value_str not in ('force', 'auto'): self._error('Invalid %s value: %s', option, value_str) else: value = value_str if option not in self._options: self._options[option] = value def _set_tokens(self) -> None: """Set the tokens available for percent expansion""" local_host = socket.gethostname() idx = local_host.find('.') short_local_host = local_host if idx < 0 else local_host[:idx] host = cast(str, self._options.get('Hostname', self._orig_host)) port = str(self._options.get('Port', DEFAULT_PORT)) user = cast(str, self._options.get('User') or self._local_user) home = os.path.expanduser('~') conn_info = ''.join((local_host, host, port, user)) conn_hash = sha1(conn_info.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() self._tokens.update({'C': conn_hash, 'h': host, 'L': short_local_host, 'l': local_host, 'n': self._orig_host, 'p': port, 'r': user, 'u': self._local_user}) if home != '~': self._tokens['d'] = home if hasattr(os, 'getuid'): self._tokens['i'] = str(os.getuid()) _handlers = {option.lower(): (option, handler) for option, handler in ( ('Host', _match_host), ('Match', SSHConfig._match), ('Include', SSHConfig._include), ('AddressFamily', SSHConfig._set_address_family), ('BindAddress', SSHConfig._set_string), ('CASignatureAlgorithms', SSHConfig._set_string), ('CertificateFile', SSHConfig._append_string), ('ChallengeResponseAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('Ciphers', SSHConfig._set_string), ('Compression', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('ConnectTimeout', SSHConfig._set_int), ('EnableSSHKeySign', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('ForwardAgent', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('ForwardX11Trusted', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('GlobalKnownHostsFile', SSHConfig._set_string_list), ('GSSAPIAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('GSSAPIDelegateCredentials', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('GSSAPIKeyExchange', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('HostbasedAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('HostKeyAlgorithms', SSHConfig._set_string), ('Hostname', _set_hostname), ('HostKeyAlias', SSHConfig._set_string), ('IdentitiesOnly', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('IdentityAgent', SSHConfig._set_string), ('IdentityFile', SSHConfig._append_string), ('KbdInteractiveAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('KexAlgorithms', SSHConfig._set_string), ('MACs', SSHConfig._set_string), ('PasswordAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('PKCS11Provider', SSHConfig._set_string), ('PreferredAuthentications', SSHConfig._set_string), ('Port', SSHConfig._set_int), ('ProxyCommand', SSHConfig._set_string_list), ('ProxyJump', SSHConfig._set_string), ('PubkeyAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('RekeyLimit', SSHConfig._set_rekey_limits), ('RemoteCommand', SSHConfig._set_string), ('RequestTTY', _set_request_tty), ('SendEnv', SSHConfig._append_string_list), ('ServerAliveCountMax', SSHConfig._set_int), ('ServerAliveInterval', SSHConfig._set_int), ('SetEnv', SSHConfig._append_string_list), ('TCPKeepAlive', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('User', SSHConfig._set_string), ('UserKnownHostsFile', SSHConfig._set_string_list) )} class SSHServerConfig(SSHConfig): """Settings from an OpenSSH server config file""" def __init__(self, last_config: 'SSHConfig', reload: bool, local_addr: str, local_port: int, user: str, host: str, addr: str) -> None: super().__init__(last_config, reload) self._local_addr = local_addr self._local_port = local_port self._user = user self._host = host or addr self._addr = addr def _match_val(self, match: str) -> object: """Return the value to match against in a match condition""" if match == 'localaddress': return self._local_addr elif match == 'localport': return str(self._local_port) elif match == 'user': return self._user elif match == 'host': return self._host elif match == 'address': return self._addr else: return None def _set_tokens(self) -> None: """Set the tokens available for percent expansion""" self._tokens.update({'u': self._user}) _handlers = {option.lower(): (option, handler) for option, handler in ( ('Match', SSHConfig._match), ('Include', SSHConfig._include), ('AddressFamily', SSHConfig._set_address_family), ('AuthorizedKeysFile', SSHConfig._set_string_list), ('AllowAgentForwarding', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('BindAddress', SSHConfig._set_string), ('CASignatureAlgorithms', SSHConfig._set_string), ('ChallengeResponseAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('Ciphers', SSHConfig._set_string), ('ClientAliveCountMax', SSHConfig._set_int), ('ClientAliveInterval', SSHConfig._set_int), ('Compression', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('GSSAPIAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('GSSAPIKeyExchange', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('HostbasedAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('HostCertificate', SSHConfig._append_string), ('HostKey', SSHConfig._append_string), ('KbdInteractiveAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('KexAlgorithms', SSHConfig._set_string), ('LoginGraceTime', SSHConfig._set_int), ('MACs', SSHConfig._set_string), ('PasswordAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('PermitTTY', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('Port', SSHConfig._set_int), ('PubkeyAuthentication', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('RekeyLimit', SSHConfig._set_rekey_limits), ('TCPKeepAlive', SSHConfig._set_bool), ('UseDNS', SSHConfig._set_bool) )}